2019 USPA Fatality Report

2020 Safety Day

USPA Safety Day 2020

March 14th is coming up and that means it’s time for USPA’s annual safety day. At our DZ, we tend to have a list of activities that we rotate through (i.e. spot the mis-rig, weather seminars, and emergency procdure practice) depending on what the weather that day brings. If it’s nice weather then we do less safety day activities, whereas if no one is able to jump due to weather then we have a few hours of safety day fun. We jump year round in Florida, so we don’t feel bad doing so. However, we never miss going over the previous year’s fatality report that is compiled by USPA.

Unfortunately, I don’t find the version published by USPA to be very presentation friendly. There are a lot of repeated statistics that most skydivers don’t find particularly interesting. So, I cut out those slides and highlight the parts that are interesting.

What are the take home messages from last year’s skydiving fatalities?

  • get rid of spinning malfunctions quickly

  • always have a plan B landing area

  • practice your emergency procedures frequently

Feel free to download the edited USPA Fatality Report presentation to use at your DZ or go through it on your own if you are unable to make it to Safety Day this year.

Christina Arango