Category A
Review the information presented during ground school: equipment names, body position, hand signals, emergency procedures.
Category B
Review emergency procedures and learn more about compass and runway headings.
Category C
Learn more about parachute flight and landing patterns, so that you can land where you want.
Category D
Review your emergency procedures again, get an introduction to spotting, and learn more about rear riser inputs.
Category E
Dive deeper into the art of spotting, gain a better understanding of gear maintenance, and prepare to begin jumping solo.
Category F
Learn how to track, review landing hazards, start packing, and further explore different inputs when flying your parachute.
Category G
Learn how to take a dock on others, ways to adjust fall rate, and important gear maintenance items.
Category H
Dive down to another jumper, review water landings, and get ready to be a licensed skydiver.