USPA B License Study Guide

Why do you need a study guide?

All of the information that you need to study to pass your USPA B License exam can be found in the USPA Skydiver’s Information Manual (SIM). The appendices in the back of the manual contain a list of material to study for each of the license exams. However, the SIM is not known for being particularly reader friendly.

What’s in this study guide?

Simply put, everything that you need to read to pass the exam, but in a readable format. Below is the list of information that we’ve included.

Sections of the SIM covered on the B License Exam:

2-1 (all)
4, Category D
4, Category F
4, Category G
4, Category H
9-1 FAR 91.17
9-1 FAR 91.211
9-1 FAR 119.1

How do I access this guide?

Currently, it’s only available as a PDF (click the title below to download). We hope to have a video version on our YouTube channel by mid-February 2022. Sign up for our newsletter below if you’d like to stay updated.

USPA Skydiver's Information Manual
Christina Arango